Completely unreadable. Huge disappointment.
I am a big fan of Daniel Suarez's other novels and pre-ordered this one. I won't make that mistake again.
The first chapter of this book is incomprehensible. It reads like random words out of a quantum physics textbook strung together with cheap beer references. If there's a plot, I couldn't find it, only tons of technical jargon that I had to slog through, wondering the whole time when the story was going to start.
Here's a sample:
“I needed a charged superconducting sheet. The quantum mechanical nonlocalizability of the negatively charged Cooper pairs, protected from the localizing effect of decoherence by an energy gap, causes the pairs to undergo nongeodesic motion in the presence of a gravitational wave.”
And another:
“The surrounding non-superconducting ionic lattice is localized and so executes geodesic motion, moving along with space-time, while the Cooper pairs execute non-geodesic motion— thereby accelerating relative to space-time. The different motions lead to a separation of charge. That charge separation causes the graphene to become electrically polarized, generating a restoring Coulomb force. The back action of the Coulomb force on the Cooper pairs magnifies the mass supercurrents generated by the wave— producing a reflection.”
And still another (in the first effing chapter!):
“Yes, but the deBroglie wavelength of the BEC is on the order of a millimeter, whereas the gravity field wavelength is effectively infinite— which means gravity can move it around. If the de Broglie wavelength can be made longer than the gravity wavelength, we can in principle isolate the BEC from the gravity wave.”
I stopped slogging through Influx after the first chapter. If you find the above three paragraphs thrilling and though-provoking, then maybe you'll enjoy the book. I didn't want to waste any more time.